Acrylic Canvas

  • Material
    • Sunbrella Acrylic Canvas
    • Airtex Acrylic Canvas
    • Dickson Acrylic Canvas
  • Sector
    • Raw Materials
    • Shades
  • Use
    • Hospitality & Tourism
dickson acrylic canvasacylic white canvasblack airtexairtex colorsgray white dicksonorchestra toiles manosquevalmex wein red 700x500 1

Acrylic Canvas

Acrylic fabrics are outdoor fabrics that are treated during the manufacturing process to ensure they can withstand the elements, including resistance to mildew, stains and water repellency.

Acrylic Canvas is a synthetic woven material, supplied in a range of finishes, designed to excel in outdoor applications. It is highly technical with a natural canvas appearance making this fabric perfectly suited to withstand outdoor elements for any environment.

Acrylic canvas fabric is known for delivering superior performance against all outside conditions, with its resistance to water, air permeability, dimensional and UV stability making it the perfect fabric choice for outdoor shades and luxury outdoor furniture covers.

Acrylic canvas is ideally suited for canopies, sunshades, outdoor shading, seating and marine covers.

  • Maximum efficiency to tearing due to stretching
  • Substantial breathing and moisture-regulating properties
  • High resistance to sunlight and weather elements
  • Unsurpassed colour stability
  • Tightly woven finish